I am a Graphic Designer located in Brisbane, Australia. I love using vibrant colours and unique shapes in my designs, and nothing gets my gears grinding harder than meticulously tweaking print and web layouts. I am a problem-solver by nature and perform at my best when managing projects, streamlining user experiences, undertaking new challenges and perfecting designs.
I specialise in graphic design for corporate events, conferences and retail signage. My work has been featured in events both domestically and overseas, for household names and start-ups alike. I have a keen interest in web and digital design solutions and how they can be used to enhance the sustainability of design.
In my down-time I enjoy watching cake-glazing videos and playing video games. I specialise in eating copious amounts of food, especially spicy food and sweets. From time to time I also partake in ice-skating and aerial circus.
Come talk design with me (or games, or food, or existentialism) using the contact form above or connect with me on LinkedIn!